Pleasant Interruption

Monday, August 15, 2005

Hiro What do Mustaches, Designs and Europe Have in Common?
At 1:58 AM
by: Hiro


First off I just wanted to share with everyone a picture from a couple weeks ago. To give you a little background information, I've been in a bet with my housemates from Waterloo for over a month now. The bet was to see who could go the longest without shaving off a dirty, dirty mustache. Not only did we have to grow a mustache, we had to keep the rest of the face clean shaven to increase the dirtiness of the mustache. As of this post, only Dave and I remain in the competition. At the end of July, it was the last Bomber (an on-campus bar at U of Waterloo) night of the term and the theme was Wild Wild West. It was perfect timing since our mustaches had been growing for some time. Here is my favourite picture of the night, taken with my friend Meghan. I look intense.

Meghan is hot.

As you may or may not have noticed depending on your observational skills - or lack thereof - I have changed the design of Pleasant Interruption. I was growing a little tired of the fun but cheap looking design and it was also a good excuse to get myself back into blogging mode. I hope you find the change pleasant. If you're wondering where that picture is from, I took it from the airplane somewhere above Chile on my way there last September.

Lastly, I'm leaving for Europe today. I'm going on a Contiki tour with 3 of my housemates from Waterloo - Dave, Mike and Tony. We'll be hitting up England, France, Monaco, Italy, Austria, Germany, The Netherlands, and Belgium over 16 days.

At this point you may be wondering about our mustache challenge. We're taking this to Europe. How long will Dave and I last? Who knows.

They're going to regret letting us into their countries.

In addition to a digital camera, I'm also bringing a video camera with 16 tapes. That's right, 1 tape/day. When I get back I'm going to edit the footage and make a dvd movie which I'll share with everyone. That likely won't happen for a few months though.

Anyway, I'm going to try to get internet access as often as I can while I tour around the continent and if I can, I will be blogging about our mischief so you can tour Europe vicariously through my writing.

With that, I am off.



  • Hiro, you are right. I am hot! haha. I love that picture too. Hope you are having a blast in Europe. We miss you!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8/17/2005 02:22:00 PM  

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