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Hiro's Summer Update: Part One At 9:34 PM by: Hiro |
Well I think I just set myself a new record for the longest time between posts. Granted, I've been the busiest I've ever been in my life but I really do need to find more time for this poor ol' blog. Anyway, enough excuses, and on with the stories!
So a lot has happened in my life since I last made a post back at the beginning of the month. I'm now doing my 2B term and it's a real bitch. If there ever were a time that I absolutely hated being in Computer Engineering, it would be now. They call it the "2B or not to be" term. And they weren't joking. I have 5 engineering courses (so no bird courses!) of which 4 have labs! My schedule's pretty nice, being that my lectures go from 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm, monday to friday with a 1 hour tutorial afterward that I usually skip. Ironically, last year in the fall I had 8:30 am classes everyday and I'd sleep in til noon or 1 pm whereas now that I have afternoon classes I get up at 8 or 9 am! Now this life would have been too easy so they decided to give us 8:30-11:30 am labs so I have anywhere from 1-4 of them in a week.
Outside of classes - which already take up way too much of my precious time - I'm playing intramural ice hockey, trying to get involved with the Engineering Society, I'm an exec of an organization called The Crew (we basically put on big events, shows, parties, etc for the students) and I'm also the assistant main stage manager for the Canada Day celebrations here in Waterloo. And I've been trying to go running and workout too but that's been neglected a few too many times.
All in all I've been ridiculously busy, but I'm loving it. Now at this point you're thinking to yourself how lucky you are for having a summer holiday while I'm toiling away at school but I swear that school in the summer is the greatest thing in the world. Life is just so awesome.
As eventful as this month has been, the last week has definitely been packed with the most action.
My long weekend was one of the most absurd weekends ever. Ramesh, who was one of the guys subletting from us over the last 4 months, rented a cottage up in Sauble Beach. Himself, my roommate Mariano and 2 other friends Meghan and Caustan all drove up to the cottage on Saturday morning. My friend Lisa and I decided we'd go up later that night as we both had things to do back in Waterloo that day. So apparently they found out the hard way that there could only be 5 people staying at the cottage and only 5 people. No friends hanging around, no visitors, nothing! I guess the afternoon consisted of 2 cars of people arriving at the cottage on 2 separate occasions, making tons of noise, getting kicked out by the landlord and also having the cops called in the 2nd time. There were also 7 dollar packages of hamburger buns and a barbeque from hell that spewed fire out the front panel. True story.
Anyway, by the time Lisa and I arrived we couldn't both get into the cottage officially since that would make it 6 people, so Mariano told us to unload all our stuff and to go find a place to stash the car then sneak back into the cottage. We of course could not find anywhere to park the car overnight. Over the course of driving around town, I also witnessed a massive brawl with like 10 guys just beating the shit out of each other. As tempting as it was to hop out of the car and join the fray, I decided it was best I enjoy the shenanigans from afar. Our alternative plan consisted of finding Lisa's friend's cottage and crashing there. However we only had an address with no directions and no map. We first went to the local Subway because we saw 2 police officers and figured they could tell us where to park overnight or help us find the cottage. They definitely didn't give a shit and didn't provide any help. We later returned to the same Subway to get some food but this time I noticed a stash of maps of the local area. Luckily we managed to find the street and we were on our way.
Upon arrival at the friend's cottage, we realized that everyone inside was passed out and there was no way for us to get inside. With our options dwindling and it being 2 am, we went with our last resort and ended up sleeping in the car out on the front lawn of their cottage. It was a cold night and just to make sure it would suck, we had left all our warm clothes and 2 sleeping bags back at the cottage. Lisa ended up sleeping with 1 foot inside of a car-interior-cleaning mitt, the other leg in the sleeve of her sweater and herself wrapped up in a tent (the only thing we didn't unload). Yes, the tent itself. It was pretty funny and I would have taken a picture but oh wait, we left that at the cottage too! I just slept half frozen wearing shorts and a t-shirt.
By 7 am we were ready to get the hell back to the main cottage. We figured we hadn't stayed overnight with more than 5 people, and we would just be visiting with 1 extra person so it would be fine. Now keep in mind that since 1) our cellphones barely worked, 2) there was no phone at the cottage, and 3) that we had only briefly talked when we first arrived at the cottage, Lisa and I were unaware of the events that took place the previous day nor were we aware of the fact that they weren't even allowed visitors at the cottage. Anyway, we made it back to the cottage while everyone was still asleep. Not to disappoint us, the inside of the cottage was colder than the inside of the car. Fortunately though we now had our sleeping bags so we managed to not explore further into the world of hypothermia.
The next day the 6 of us decided we'd make the best of this trip and somehow enjoy the day. Sure enough, while we were discussing our plans, the landlord and his sidekick came over and asked us to show him all our bracelets (the 5 "tenants" were given bracelets to wear). Of course, we now had 6 people and only 5 were wearing bracelets. Without any discussion he told us that we had until noon to move out. And just to make sure, he called the cops on us again.
After leaving the cottage we drove over to the main beach area to try to at least enjoy the rest of the day. We were clearly dreaming the impossible as we stepped foot on the beach and it was bloody chilly. I couldn't believe some people were actually in the water while maintaining consciousness. Needless to say, we were on the road back to Waterloo shortly afterward.
To summarize, we learned one valuable lesson that weekend: Sauble Beach is earth's manifestation of hell.
So a lot has happened in my life since I last made a post back at the beginning of the month. I'm now doing my 2B term and it's a real bitch. If there ever were a time that I absolutely hated being in Computer Engineering, it would be now. They call it the "2B or not to be" term. And they weren't joking. I have 5 engineering courses (so no bird courses!) of which 4 have labs! My schedule's pretty nice, being that my lectures go from 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm, monday to friday with a 1 hour tutorial afterward that I usually skip. Ironically, last year in the fall I had 8:30 am classes everyday and I'd sleep in til noon or 1 pm whereas now that I have afternoon classes I get up at 8 or 9 am! Now this life would have been too easy so they decided to give us 8:30-11:30 am labs so I have anywhere from 1-4 of them in a week.
Outside of classes - which already take up way too much of my precious time - I'm playing intramural ice hockey, trying to get involved with the Engineering Society, I'm an exec of an organization called The Crew (we basically put on big events, shows, parties, etc for the students) and I'm also the assistant main stage manager for the Canada Day celebrations here in Waterloo. And I've been trying to go running and workout too but that's been neglected a few too many times.
All in all I've been ridiculously busy, but I'm loving it. Now at this point you're thinking to yourself how lucky you are for having a summer holiday while I'm toiling away at school but I swear that school in the summer is the greatest thing in the world. Life is just so awesome.
As eventful as this month has been, the last week has definitely been packed with the most action.
Sauble Beach: Hell on Earth
My long weekend was one of the most absurd weekends ever. Ramesh, who was one of the guys subletting from us over the last 4 months, rented a cottage up in Sauble Beach. Himself, my roommate Mariano and 2 other friends Meghan and Caustan all drove up to the cottage on Saturday morning. My friend Lisa and I decided we'd go up later that night as we both had things to do back in Waterloo that day. So apparently they found out the hard way that there could only be 5 people staying at the cottage and only 5 people. No friends hanging around, no visitors, nothing! I guess the afternoon consisted of 2 cars of people arriving at the cottage on 2 separate occasions, making tons of noise, getting kicked out by the landlord and also having the cops called in the 2nd time. There were also 7 dollar packages of hamburger buns and a barbeque from hell that spewed fire out the front panel. True story.
Anyway, by the time Lisa and I arrived we couldn't both get into the cottage officially since that would make it 6 people, so Mariano told us to unload all our stuff and to go find a place to stash the car then sneak back into the cottage. We of course could not find anywhere to park the car overnight. Over the course of driving around town, I also witnessed a massive brawl with like 10 guys just beating the shit out of each other. As tempting as it was to hop out of the car and join the fray, I decided it was best I enjoy the shenanigans from afar. Our alternative plan consisted of finding Lisa's friend's cottage and crashing there. However we only had an address with no directions and no map. We first went to the local Subway because we saw 2 police officers and figured they could tell us where to park overnight or help us find the cottage. They definitely didn't give a shit and didn't provide any help. We later returned to the same Subway to get some food but this time I noticed a stash of maps of the local area. Luckily we managed to find the street and we were on our way.
Upon arrival at the friend's cottage, we realized that everyone inside was passed out and there was no way for us to get inside. With our options dwindling and it being 2 am, we went with our last resort and ended up sleeping in the car out on the front lawn of their cottage. It was a cold night and just to make sure it would suck, we had left all our warm clothes and 2 sleeping bags back at the cottage. Lisa ended up sleeping with 1 foot inside of a car-interior-cleaning mitt, the other leg in the sleeve of her sweater and herself wrapped up in a tent (the only thing we didn't unload). Yes, the tent itself. It was pretty funny and I would have taken a picture but oh wait, we left that at the cottage too! I just slept half frozen wearing shorts and a t-shirt.
By 7 am we were ready to get the hell back to the main cottage. We figured we hadn't stayed overnight with more than 5 people, and we would just be visiting with 1 extra person so it would be fine. Now keep in mind that since 1) our cellphones barely worked, 2) there was no phone at the cottage, and 3) that we had only briefly talked when we first arrived at the cottage, Lisa and I were unaware of the events that took place the previous day nor were we aware of the fact that they weren't even allowed visitors at the cottage. Anyway, we made it back to the cottage while everyone was still asleep. Not to disappoint us, the inside of the cottage was colder than the inside of the car. Fortunately though we now had our sleeping bags so we managed to not explore further into the world of hypothermia.
The next day the 6 of us decided we'd make the best of this trip and somehow enjoy the day. Sure enough, while we were discussing our plans, the landlord and his sidekick came over and asked us to show him all our bracelets (the 5 "tenants" were given bracelets to wear). Of course, we now had 6 people and only 5 were wearing bracelets. Without any discussion he told us that we had until noon to move out. And just to make sure, he called the cops on us again.
After leaving the cottage we drove over to the main beach area to try to at least enjoy the rest of the day. We were clearly dreaming the impossible as we stepped foot on the beach and it was bloody chilly. I couldn't believe some people were actually in the water while maintaining consciousness. Needless to say, we were on the road back to Waterloo shortly afterward.
To summarize, we learned one valuable lesson that weekend: Sauble Beach is earth's manifestation of hell.