Pleasant Interruption

Friday, May 27, 2005

Hiro Hiro's Summer Update: Part One
At 9:34 PM
by: Hiro

Well I think I just set myself a new record for the longest time between posts. Granted, I've been the busiest I've ever been in my life but I really do need to find more time for this poor ol' blog. Anyway, enough excuses, and on with the stories!

So a lot has happened in my life since I last made a post back at the beginning of the month. I'm now doing my 2B term and it's a real bitch. If there ever were a time that I absolutely hated being in Computer Engineering, it would be now. They call it the "2B or not to be" term. And they weren't joking. I have 5 engineering courses (so no bird courses!) of which 4 have labs! My schedule's pretty nice, being that my lectures go from 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm, monday to friday with a 1 hour tutorial afterward that I usually skip. Ironically, last year in the fall I had 8:30 am classes everyday and I'd sleep in til noon or 1 pm whereas now that I have afternoon classes I get up at 8 or 9 am! Now this life would have been too easy so they decided to give us 8:30-11:30 am labs so I have anywhere from 1-4 of them in a week.

Outside of classes - which already take up way too much of my precious time - I'm playing intramural ice hockey, trying to get involved with the Engineering Society, I'm an exec of an organization called The Crew (we basically put on big events, shows, parties, etc for the students) and I'm also the assistant main stage manager for the Canada Day celebrations here in Waterloo. And I've been trying to go running and workout too but that's been neglected a few too many times.

All in all I've been ridiculously busy, but I'm loving it. Now at this point you're thinking to yourself how lucky you are for having a summer holiday while I'm toiling away at school but I swear that school in the summer is the greatest thing in the world. Life is just so awesome.

As eventful as this month has been, the last week has definitely been packed with the most action.

Sauble Beach: Hell on Earth

My long weekend was one of the most absurd weekends ever. Ramesh, who was one of the guys subletting from us over the last 4 months, rented a cottage up in Sauble Beach. Himself, my roommate Mariano and 2 other friends Meghan and Caustan all drove up to the cottage on Saturday morning. My friend Lisa and I decided we'd go up later that night as we both had things to do back in Waterloo that day. So apparently they found out the hard way that there could only be 5 people staying at the cottage and only 5 people. No friends hanging around, no visitors, nothing! I guess the afternoon consisted of 2 cars of people arriving at the cottage on 2 separate occasions, making tons of noise, getting kicked out by the landlord and also having the cops called in the 2nd time. There were also 7 dollar packages of hamburger buns and a barbeque from hell that spewed fire out the front panel. True story.

Anyway, by the time Lisa and I arrived we couldn't both get into the cottage officially since that would make it 6 people, so Mariano told us to unload all our stuff and to go find a place to stash the car then sneak back into the cottage. We of course could not find anywhere to park the car overnight. Over the course of driving around town, I also witnessed a massive brawl with like 10 guys just beating the shit out of each other. As tempting as it was to hop out of the car and join the fray, I decided it was best I enjoy the shenanigans from afar. Our alternative plan consisted of finding Lisa's friend's cottage and crashing there. However we only had an address with no directions and no map. We first went to the local Subway because we saw 2 police officers and figured they could tell us where to park overnight or help us find the cottage. They definitely didn't give a shit and didn't provide any help. We later returned to the same Subway to get some food but this time I noticed a stash of maps of the local area. Luckily we managed to find the street and we were on our way.

Upon arrival at the friend's cottage, we realized that everyone inside was passed out and there was no way for us to get inside. With our options dwindling and it being 2 am, we went with our last resort and ended up sleeping in the car out on the front lawn of their cottage. It was a cold night and just to make sure it would suck, we had left all our warm clothes and 2 sleeping bags back at the cottage. Lisa ended up sleeping with 1 foot inside of a car-interior-cleaning mitt, the other leg in the sleeve of her sweater and herself wrapped up in a tent (the only thing we didn't unload). Yes, the tent itself. It was pretty funny and I would have taken a picture but oh wait, we left that at the cottage too! I just slept half frozen wearing shorts and a t-shirt.

By 7 am we were ready to get the hell back to the main cottage. We figured we hadn't stayed overnight with more than 5 people, and we would just be visiting with 1 extra person so it would be fine. Now keep in mind that since 1) our cellphones barely worked, 2) there was no phone at the cottage, and 3) that we had only briefly talked when we first arrived at the cottage, Lisa and I were unaware of the events that took place the previous day nor were we aware of the fact that they weren't even allowed visitors at the cottage. Anyway, we made it back to the cottage while everyone was still asleep. Not to disappoint us, the inside of the cottage was colder than the inside of the car. Fortunately though we now had our sleeping bags so we managed to not explore further into the world of hypothermia.

The next day the 6 of us decided we'd make the best of this trip and somehow enjoy the day. Sure enough, while we were discussing our plans, the landlord and his sidekick came over and asked us to show him all our bracelets (the 5 "tenants" were given bracelets to wear). Of course, we now had 6 people and only 5 were wearing bracelets. Without any discussion he told us that we had until noon to move out. And just to make sure, he called the cops on us again.

After leaving the cottage we drove over to the main beach area to try to at least enjoy the rest of the day. We were clearly dreaming the impossible as we stepped foot on the beach and it was bloody chilly. I couldn't believe some people were actually in the water while maintaining consciousness. Needless to say, we were on the road back to Waterloo shortly afterward.

To summarize, we learned one valuable lesson that weekend: Sauble Beach is earth's manifestation of hell.

Monday, May 23, 2005

Nana Some Adu-Poku style Ramblings
At 10:48 PM
by: Nana

So I just got back from my friend Arjun's place, where we watched the season finale of 24 (which was amazing!). I had a good walk home in the rain. The Walkmen were playign in my headphones and the light drizzle set the tone for some serious introspection. I flagged down a taxi by accident when I twirled my umbrella.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Hiro Week One in the 'Loo
At 10:58 PM
by: Hiro

Whew, it's been a week now since I've moved back to Waterloo (and since I last made a post!) and it's been one BUSY week. I think I've spent like 5 hours on my computer over the entire week. So now it's a nice quiet Sunday afternoon and I finally have time to sit back, take a breath and write a post.

Sunday was a loooong day, having moved out of Ottawa, stopped by in Belleville to drop stuff off, pick up summer things, then continue on to Waterloo. Not to mention being slightly hung over from the night before. Speaking of which, Saturday night was a blast. Got together with my roommates(Kat, Amanda, Justin, as well as Adrian and Steph the honourary roommates) and my friends still in Ottawa(Tony, Nana, Uzo) at headquarters(Brooks res). We made 4 delicious pizzas, and we finally had the bread dipping party that Nana and I had been planning on doing for over a year and a half since the days when we worked at Freeman's Winemaking(which is where we got the bread dipping herbs). It was a solid night of food, wine, beer, and playing guitar and singing. I wish we could have done that every weekend, but alas it was not meant to be but I am happy we got to do it at least once before I left.

We ended up going to Lower Deck in the Market but we didn't leave til pretty late so we didn't stay very long at all. The rest of the night can be described with the following picture.

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These are the kinds of interesting pictures I find on my camera the next day after a night of much drinking. I love digital cameras.

Fats forwarding back to Sunday, that night we celebrated the reunion of The House (Myself, Mariano, Mike, Tony and Dave) in Waterloo with a BBQ. What a great way to kick things off.

Moving on to Monday. The only real way to get the ball rolling with the new term would be to have a party resulting in a ridiculously messy night. The house was in full force that night with 5/5 drinking and going out to the bar. We also had about 15 other people come to our house to party and most came to the bar as well. Last year, while totally wasted we made Dave(aka Daveed) dance to Trick Daddy's big hit Let's Go. Since then Dave has been known as Trick Daddy. Trick Daddy is like a hidden alter-ego that is buried deep within Daveed's modest outer shell and can only be coaxed out to the surface after a relentless barrage of alcohol. Trick Daddy is also a dancing machine, a mac daddy and overall the life of the party. As such, I use every opportunity available to me to summon Trick Daddy. I was indeed successful that night.

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All in all it was a solid night of drinking ending with a new nickname for Daveed: The Ambassador of Southeast Asia.

Wednesday morning we finally got the internet. It was also the first Bomber night. The Bombshelter pub is 1 of 2 bars on campus and is the place to be on Wednesdays. We didn't end up going until 9 pm and the line was ridiculously long. I know! 9 pm! Ridiculous! We waited an hour and a half and barely moved closer to the entrance. Luckily though, while we were waiting in line we were treated to some magic tricks by my good friend James Goh from my comp eng class. He is sick, you just have to see him perform. Anyway we were a good 40-50 people away from the entrance and it was 1-in-1-out so we decided to leave. My roommates Mike and Daveed decided to go home and I kinda wanted to as well but I got dragged along to Phil's(another popular bar on Wed) with other friends.

All I remember was wanting Pizza so badly. So we ended up dancing there all night long and we finally left at like 2:30 am. We gravitated toward the Pizza Pizza across the street. They were closing soon. They had like 2 pizzas left. The 1 whole pizza was tiny! It was literally a medium being sold slice-by-slice. So we're about to leave and Choo Chon1(another buddy from comp eng) comes to me sayin he managed to get the whole pizza for 5 bucks! So I went back to the cashier and asked how much for the rest of the other slices. 4 bucks for half a pizza and then another massive slice. Deal. Best pizza EVER.

Thursday morning was glorious. A couple of days earlier we had gone to Office Depot and purchased a whiteboard. Not just any whiteboard. The largest whiteboard they had available. 4'x6' of glory. It came to 135 bucks after a student discount. We tried to fit it into Mike's Jeep but it wouldn't fit. We had to end up getting it delivered(for free!). Today it arrived. Tony employed his carpentry skills and mounted it on the wall. It now occupies an entire wall of our living room.

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Friday was B.O.T. It stands for Beginning Of Term. It's an engineering thing. There's a Beginning, Middle and End every term of the year. It is just a party at POETS, the engineering bar on campus and chance to meet everyone. However before every O.T. there's an unofficial kegger called a Batch Party at a townhouse(known as Unit 36) nearby. They serve batch(which is ice tea and vodka) and beer. It is always an extremely messy affair and loads of fun. The night consisted of getting totally wasted at Batch then going to a bar.

Saturday morning I had to get up at 8 am so I could catch a 9 am train to Oshawa, where my dad picked me up and we drove to Mississauga to put on a karate seminar. This took up my day and the afternoon. I was back in Waterloo by 8 pm and by 10 pm we were at another kegger.

Finally today(Sunday) I got to just relax all day. The weather was just gorgeous. Had lunch out on the patio of Frontrow, sat outside on a picnic table all day at home, played catch with the roommates, had dinner outside, and finally got to unwind.

This was an insane week but it's only the beginning. Half the things I'll be involved in haven't even started yet. I think I'm off to a decent start though, given that I went to EVERY class this week. We'll see how long I can keep this up.

Til next time...enjoy your summer everyone.

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Hiro So Long, Ottawa...
At 9:35 AM
by: Hiro

...and Kat, Amanda, Justin, Nana, Tony, Uzo, Tom, Arjun, Steph and Adrian. (and Dan and Jeff although we didn't really get a chance to hang out much), (aaaand everyone at Natural Resources Canada, even though I highly doubt any of you actually read this blog)

Today I'm saying goodbye to my beloved Ottawa and will embark on a looooong journey back to school - first stopping by good ol' Belleville then finally moving back into my house in Waterloo.

Before I continue I would like to bring to everyone's attention the fact that the Pleasant Interruption crew will now be fragmented completely, our physical manifestations strewn across the globe (or rather, within a 6 hour stretch between Waterloo, Belleville and Ottawa). Fortunately for our readers our quasi-superpowers are not affected by physical constraints and thus we can continue to combine forces to deliver to you pleasant interruptions.

I'm currently packing up all my belongings and cleaning out my room to get ready to move out so I don't have much time to write a lengthy and detailed post, so I'll be recounting the events of this weekend sometime later this week when I have time to actually sit down and take a breath.

As I sit here typing this I have a smile on my face as I look back at the last 4 months and finally have a chance to reflect on how great of a time I had here. The prospect of being reunited with all my boys from Belleville alone was an exciting thought but the moment I moved in I was embraced by 3 awesome roommates and I've felt right at home ever since.

Another chapter in my life has ended. A chapter I wish did not have to end, but just like any good novel, you can't just have 1 chapter (in fact, this could be generalized to apply to any novel, good or bad). That would indeed be silly. And so I reluctantly and excitedly turn the last page to embrace the next chapter. One that will be filled with much growing, fun and Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo's (for The House!). [This last bit is an inside joke with my family in Waterloo that will eventually get explained]

Thank you everyone for an awesome 4 months! I promise I won't forget even once I am the ruler of the world. You shall all be handsomely repaid.

So long, everyone...and may our paths cross again.